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Recommended dosage of GS441524 Injection

July 3, 2023

Latest company news about Recommended dosage of GS441524 Injection

Ascites / pleural effusion: 0.5ml/kg * body weight kg + 0.1 residue

FIP(Wet):0.4ml/kg * body weight kg + 0.1 residue

FIP(Dry): 0.6ml/kg * body weight kg + 0.1 residue

Eye / nerve entry: 0.7ml/kg * body weight kg + 0.1 residue

Recurrence: 0.9 ml / kg * body weight kg + 0.1 residue


For example: 2.5kg cat with dry FIP, the dosage is 0.6ml/kg * 2.5 kg + 0.1 residue=1.6ml per time per day.

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